​​​​​Areas that parents often identify as requiring support:

​Mental Health & Well-Being: anxiety, depression, bullying

Social Skills: personal space, making friends, perspective taking

Heightened Emotional Responses: size of the problem vs. size of the response

Overly Sensitive to Sensory Input (sounds, touch, taste, movement, etc.)

Seeking Out Sensory Input (crashing, spinning, deep pressure, mouthing objects, etc.)

Attention: whole body listening, gaining attention, maintaining attention, following multi-step instructions

Play Skills: imaginary play, turn-taking, sharing

Activities of Daily Living: dressing, feeding, toileting, grooming

Executive Functioning: attentional control, inhibitory control, working memory, and cognitive flexibility, reasoning, problem solving, and planning

Fine Motor Skills: colouring, drawing, pre-printing shapes, printing, handwriting, scissor skills, using 2 hands together

What will therapy look like?

 1. Optional Free 20 minute consultation via telephone or tele-health.

  • Helps us determine if we are a good fit for one another.

2. Intake Session:

  • Parent(s)/Caregiver(s) meet the therapist.

  • Family History & consent forms are completed.

  • We outline therapy goals & determine the frequency & number of therapy sessions.

  • Typically takes 1 hour.

3. First Therapy Session:

  • Child meets the therapist with their parent(s)/caregiver(s) present.

4. Subsequent Therapy Sessions:

  • Therapist typically begins & ends the therapy session with parent(s)/caregiver(s) present.
  • Child may work independently with the therapist during the middle of the session. 

How will we support your family?

Play-Based Sessions: playful sessions where social skills, emotional literacy, communication & fine motor skills are targeted

Art-Based Sessions: artful sessions which may include drawing, painting, building, sculpting, or crafting to help support therapy goals

Talk-Based Therapy Sessions: you & your child will feel listened to & validated, we will explore strategies & skills to help support your therapy goals

Sensory Therapy Sessions: a "bottom up" approach where the child experiences movement, deep pressure, yoga, vibration, etc. to encourage self-regulation.

Task-Analysis Sessions: breaking down each task into components, practicing each component to achieve success at the whole skill, often with backward chaining used to achieve success where the child finishes the final step of a task, and then the final 2 steps of a task, etc.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy: a "top down" approach where the child explores the "why" behind the "what" of tricky tasks & problem-solves with support to tackle the skill